Animal Puppets

When teaching song "If I Knew How to Moo" from the album by Mary Rice Hopkins by the same name, children can make animal puppets to use while singing the song. 

Each child will make a cow, duck, and dog puppet. (If having each child make three puppets is too much for your class, some can make cows, others ducks and dogs.)  

The cow puppet has a 6” diameter face cut from white construction paper. Glue the ears, mouth oval and black spots on the face and add the craft stick handle. 

The duck puppet is made from one-half of a 6” diameter yellow construction circle for the body and a 2” diameter circle for the head.  Feathers can be used at the top of the head and on the tail, with a beak cut from orange construction paper.  Add craft stick handle. 

The dog puppet is made using two 6” diameter circles cut from brown construction paper. On one circle, glue wiggle eyes and a pom-pom nose.  Use a black marker to make the mouth.  Cut the other circle in half for the ears and glue to the head. Put a small flea somewhere on the dog. Add the craft stick handle to the back side.

If I Knew How to Moo contains fun animal songs and lessons which build character qualities. Eleven popular songs, including: Matilda the Gorilla, Moose on the Loose, Animal Aerobics, Herbie the Worm,Clucking Theodore, Boy and His Doggie, Jake the Snake, Animal Alphabet, The Bear Song, Just Call Your Local Giraffe and If I Knew How to Moo. 

The accompanying curriculum teaches children about diversity, cooperation, creativity, compassion, caring, using talents, goal setting, and how to handle feelings.