Earth Art Picture

If possible, put the word "earth" into Google search engine and let the children look at pictures of the earth which come up. Ask what shape the earth is and what colors they see. The boys and girls can then use sponges to make green land and blue water on a round piece of construction paper or poster board.

Reindeer Art Project

Have the child cut a triangle out of a sheet of construction paper or lightweight cardboard. Both hands are traced for the antlers and glued on to the face. A red pom-pom can be used for the nose.

Statue of Liberty Crown & Torch

For the torch an image can be copied by doing a Google search and gluing to a heavy piece of rolled up paper. The crown is made from 2 paper plates. Cut out the center of the plates. The 7 triangles are glued inside the two plates.

Underground Ant Tunnels Art Project

Give each child a large sheet of paper, pencil with eraser, ink pad and washable markers or crayons. The children draw underground ant tunnels. To make the ants, the pencil eraser is pressed into a black ink pad.

Snowman From Pinecone Craft Project

An adorable snowman can be made by pushing cottong balls into a pinecone and then adding features as desired.


Having a surprise box in the classroom can be used for numerous purposes. One can easily be made by making a fun face on the front and cutting an opening in the top of a box.


Mix up flour and water so it is not too thick and not too watery! Give each child a round 6" circle of heavy paper or cardboard. The children can make flat surfaces on the moon and also hills and craters.