Spring Flower Craft Project

Items Needed: Paper baking cup, craft stick, construction paper.

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Selling over a quarter of a million CD’s and DVD’s, the music of MARY RICE HOPKINS is based strongly on wholesome family values promoting self-esteem and encouraging kids that are dealing with the tough issues that face them in today’s world.

Painting on Foil - Art

Have the child cover a piece of cardboard with foil and then enjoy painting.

Octopus Craft Project

Materials Needed: One-half of a large paper plate, crepe paper stips, markers or crayons.

Activity: Have the children select the color of crepe paper they want to use. Eight of these are glued to the back side of the paper plate. Draw eyes with crayons or markers.

Train Fruit Loops Collage Art Project

Children glue Fruit Loops to the train picture.

Balloon People Craft Project

Items Needed: Balloons, construction paper, scotch tape.

Mother's Day Flower Vase Craft Project

For an easy, yet cherished, Mother's Day gift have the children decorate a 6" tall styrofoam cup. Make a small hole in the bottom to insert the flowers (which can be obtained at Dollar Stores for $1.00!!)

"Juggling Mom" album by Mary Rice Hopkins has great Mother's Day songs!

Paper Mache Animal Craft Project

All kinds of animals can be made with paper mache.

Materials Needed: Small balloon, newspaper torn into wide strips, paste made from 1 part flour and 2 parts water, wide paint brush, tempera paint, construction paper, wiggle eyes and other items for making various animals.

Activity: Blow up a small balloon and tie a knot. Make the paste and stir it good. Using a paint brush or your hands, put the paste on the strips of newspaper and layer them onto the balloon. Let dry. Paint. Create whatever animal desired.

Paper Plate Dinosaur Art & Craft Project

Materials Needed: Paper plates, brad fasteners, glue, crayons, markers or finger paints.

Activity: The child decorates the dinosaur pieces. The tail and head are attached with the brads. The feet are glued to the body. Dot stickers or moveable eyes can be used, if desired.

Porcupine Craft Project

Children color the porcupine and glue on the quills.

A great song to use with this craft project is "Oh What A Variety" (In the Beginning album) by Mary Rice Hopkins.

Paper Sack Owl Craft Project

Materials Needed: Lunch sack, masking tape, brown construction paper,glue, scissors, newspaper or tissue paper.

Activity: Stuff the paper sack with newspaper or tissue paper. The top of the sack is folded into a V-shape and secured with a square of masking tape. Wings are cut from construction paper and glued to the back side. The child can decorate the owl with crayons, markers or finger paint.

Paper Plate Puzzle

Children draw a design on a paper plate and then cut in 3 or 4 pieces. They will have great fun working their own puzzle. This is also an opportunity to start teaching simple math concepts.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Spider Web Craft Project

Materials Needed: Flat Styrofoam tray; black yarn; spider.

Preparation: Cut small slits in the sides of the tray.

Activity: Children draw and cut out a spider, then weave a web.

Easter Bunny Craft Project

Items Needed: Small plastic container, cotton balls, construction paper, glue.

Pom-Pom Animals Craft Project

All kinds of animals can be created using Pom-Pom's and an assortment of items such as moveable eyes, craft wire, construction paper, sequins, glitter, etc. Let the children use their imaginations.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Racoon Glasses Art Project

These can be made from cardstock paper. Let the child color first and then glue together.

Rocket Ship Craft Project

Materials Needed: Empty paper towel tube, 2 triangles shapes, 1 circle shape folded into a cone, paint (optional).

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FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com

Animal Stand-Ups

Children can color animal shapes and attach the clothespins so they will stand. These can be used with so many themes.

A great song to accompany this project is "Animal Alphabet" (If I Knew How to Moo album) by Mary Rice Hopkins.

Pom-Poms Activities

There are so many things preschoolers can do with pom-poms: sort by color; sort by size; use tongs to pick up and place in containers which helps develop fine motor skills; drop into a container; make letters and numbers; create designs.

Light Switch Cover Art Project

Provide tempera or fingerpaint and a variety of items for children to design their own light switch cover. This will become a treasured keepsake.

Craft Sticks Fun Activity

Cut slits approx. 1/2" in the top of a shoe box. Provide colored craft sticks for the children to insert in and out of the slots. This is great for fine motor development for young preschoolers. For older ones, such activities as matching colors and sequencing can be done. The sticks are then stored in the box.

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FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com

Butterfly Art Project

Color a coffee filtar with colored markers. Spray lightly with water. Allow to dry. Gather in center with chenille wire to make a butterfly.

Outdoor Water Painting

Large paint brushes, sponges and hands are all the items needed for outdoor water painting! Provide containers of water for each child and towels for drying off when done. Painting can be done on a fence or sidewalk. Turn the art experience into a science lesson by talking about evaporation.

Fall Leaves Art Project

Older children can draw their own tree and cut out their own confetti leaves.

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FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com

Cleaning Coins

A fun project for preschoolers is to clean a handful of pennies. 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt mixed together in a bowl is all that is needed! Using an old toothbrush instead of just dipping them in the solution is optional.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Leaf Blots Art Project

Fold each leaf in half and have the child put dabs of paint on one side only. Fold the leaf and press. Open up for decorative "blots". Older children can cut out their own leaf shapes.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Indoor Campfire

Children can gather around an indoor campfire to hear stories, sing songs and eat marshmallows.

The campfire can be made from actual twigs if they are available. If not, empty paper towel rolls work great with red tissue paper for the fire.

This would be a perfect time to listen to songs by internationally-known children's singer Mary Rice Hopkins.

Indoor Mud Play

Playing with mud in the sink is a controlled method of enjoying this age-old pasttime! Great for a unit on farm animals and how pigs enjoy the mud.

Painting With Feathers - Art Project

If your child has never painted with feathers, he/she will love it! A fun experience with great results!

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Thumbprint Turkey - Thanksgiving Activity

Let children use their imaginations as they create turkeys from their thumbprints. Washable finger paint works great!

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FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com

Painting With Bubble Wrap

Let children cut various shapes from bubble wrap. Have them paint their design with finger or tempra paint, then lay flat on a sheet of white construction paper and press firmly. Carefully remove bubble wrap and you have a fascinating design!

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Modeling With Biscuit Dough

Biscuit dough is inexpensive and is another way children can express their creativity. Be sure children wash their hands prior to working with the dough. Bake according to package instructions.

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FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Squirrels & Acorns Number Matching Activity

You can cut out squirrels and acorns or the children can create their own. Boys and girls will enjoy "feeding" the correct number of acorns to each squirrel.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com. Selling over a quarter of a million CD’s and DVD’s, her music is based strongly on wholesome family values promoting self-esteem and encouraging kids that are dealing with the tough issues that face them in today’s world. Mary has been in the music industry performing for 30 years. She has been a Taylor Guitar Artist for the past 25 years and has traveled all over the United States doing concerts, seminars, workshops and teaching

Two Little Blackbirds Song Puppets

Children can create their own blackbird puppets to use while singing this song:

Two little blackbirds sat on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.
Fly away, Jack; fly away, Jill,
Come back, Jack; come back, Jill.
Two little blackbirds sat on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

(Author unknown.)

Paper Plate Puppet With Stand

Children can use paper plate puppets for re-telling stories and for interactive play. The puppet can easily be stored by slitting a small line in the bottom of a Styrofoam bowl turned upside down. The bowl can be decorated by covering it with glue and sprinkling on confetti of any kind.

Fun Matching Game Using Cloth Scraps

Cut up cloth scraps into small shapes, two of each kind. Children sort through the various pieces and match them. The game can be stored in an empty Kleenex box.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Paper Sack Puppet

Paper sack puppets can be used for telling stories or for a fun craft project for children to use in re-telling a story.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Create A Zoo With Animals

Preschoolers can learn about being a zookeeper by creating a zoo of their own using cardboard boxes and stuffed animals. Encourage the children to regularly "feed" the animals and pretend to give them water. If you have a doctor kit, it's also fun to care for any sick animals.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Learning Home Address Activity

Take a photo of your home showing the address. Secure the numbers to the bottom of the photo with magnets to make this activity interactive. Your child can place the numbers in the correct order and then learn the address. Set your address to a simple tune, like just singing up and down the scale a few notes.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

Surprise Box

Boys and girls love the anticipation of seeing what is in a Surprise Box. One can easily be made for many different uses such as object lessons, story visuals or learning activities like sorting plastic fruit and vegetables into categories.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Her music is based on wholesome family values promoting self-esteem and encouraging kids that are dealing with the tough issues in today’s world.

Chef Hat - Interactive Play

Children can make their own chef hat by attaching a white paper sack to a headband. Great fun to wear when "cooking".

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

"B-I-N-G-O" Interactive Song

Preschoolers enjoy pulling the letters out and placing in the right order and pointing to each letter while singing this familiar song. The letters can be stored inside the plastic drinking cup.

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"Mary Rice Hopkins and Puppets with a Heart" is the newest children's program being aired on TBN (or view online). This show deals with tough issues kids are facing today and will change children's hearts for a lifetime. Click here for a sample of program.

"Found A Cracker" Interactive Song

Preschoolers love the combination of singing this song and eating the cracker upon completion!

"Found a cracker, found a cracker, found a cracker just now.
Found a cracker, found a cracker, found a cracker just now.

Ate the cracker, ate the cracker, ate the cracker just now.
Ate the cracker, ate the cracker, ate the cracker just now.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

"The Bear Went Over the Mountain" Song

Before teaching your child the song "The Bear Went Over the Mountain", provide a stand-up mountain and a photo of a bear. The child can pretend to have the bear climb the mountain to see what is on the other side.

LYRICS to tune: "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" (author unknown)

The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see

To see what he could see,
To see what he could see

The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see

Was all that he could see,
Was all that he could see,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see!

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

"Where?" Game

Cut out pictures from magazines of items which you can find in your home such as sink, socks, food items, toys, furniture, etc.

The child looks at the picture and then goes and finds a similiar item in their home.

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Selling over a quarter of a million CD’s and DVD’s, her music is based strongly on wholesome family values promoting self-esteem and encouraging kids that are dealing with the tough issues that face them in today’s world. Mary has been in the music industry performing for 30 years. She has been a Taylor Guitar Artist for the past 25years and has traveled all over the United States doing concerts, seminars, workshops and teaching conventions.

"How Many?" Game

On 6" paper plates, write questions such as: "How many butterflies on poster?" - "How many chairs in lesson room?" "How many plants in the room?" "How many pictures hanging on bulletin board?" For homeschool learning, find things around the house such as: "How many handles on the dresser?" - "How many lamps in the house?" - "How many drawers in the desk?" "How many pictures on the refrigerator?"

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Are you familiar with the life-changing music resources from Mary Rice Hopkins? Sign up for free newsletter: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com.

Selling over a quarter of a million CD’s and DVD’s, the music of Mary Rice Hopkins is based strongly on wholesome family values. Songs promote self-esteem and encourages children who are dealing with the tough issues in today’s world. Mary has been in the music industry performing for 30 years. She has been a Taylor Guitar Artist for the past 25years and has traveled all over the United States doing concerts, seminars, workshops and teaching conventions.